Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Season

    The blogs are starting to space out, but that's how busy holiday seasons are! So far we have had a great start to our holidays, minus the car trouble we have been experiencing. About two weeks ago my car battery died, that was an easy fix! Last Wednesday Josh's transmission went out in his truck, not so easy of a fix! Of course his truck had to die in the middle of the night, while it was cold, while it was raining, and in a location with no cell phone service! Thank goodness for family and a nice stranger to come to our rescue, it could have been an awful situation.
     Before the truck broke down, we took Ashlyn to visit her great-great Grandma Sawyer. Ashlyn liked visiting with her! Ashlyn's Great-Aunt Bernice made sugar cookies for Ashlyn and some of her distant cousins to decorate. Ashlyn had a great time, and it was nice spending time with family we never see.
   On Thanksgiving we started out by going to Josh's Dad's house for breakfast. Ashlyn was too excited to see Jenna to even eat her breakfast. Josh and I enjoyed our omlete's very much though! After breakfast Richard and Josh went and got Black Friday Ads for Jo Ann and I, while Jessica and I discussed what she wanted for Christmas. I love black friday shopping even if some consider it crazy! I love the adrenaline rush it brings when you grab the last item on the shelf! I know it's stupid, but so much fun!
    After looking through the ads we headed off to Randy and Sharla's for Thanksgiving. My Grandma was sick, so her and my Grandpa weren't able to attend. It wasn't the same without them. I made sure I made them plate, so that they could at least experience a little of Thanksgiving. Ashlyn enjoyed being the center of attention and playing with Ryan's old tractors. She knows exactly where to find them when she goes there. After spending time with my family, it was time to move to Josh's Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house.

    After eating two meals Josh, Ashlyn, and I weren't too hungry at Linda and Frank's house. We made sure to take home plenty of leftovers though. Ashlyn enjoyed playing with Hunter at Linda and Frank's house, we barely saw the two of them the whole time we were there. While I was there I was able to do some serious shopping planning. Now it was time to go home and prepare for the shopping experience.

    I was able to take about a 3 hour nap prior to shopping. My mom came and picked me up and we met my friends Alisha, Callita, and Gretchen at Toys R Us! Of course the line was backed way up and it was cold and raining! My mom refused to join the fun and stand in line, so she went to walmart and starting racking up on the deals! After standing in the rain for an hour we were able to enter Toys R Us. Luckily I was able to get everything on my list, I even got a free $40 pack of squinkies that the sales clerk forgot to ring up! Now I call that a bargain! Walmart was by far the most ridiculous location ever! There was even a fist fit over a pair of $4 Hannah Montana Pajamas. All in all that night I got some pretty good deals and I slept great that next day!
    It is finally time for Christmas! Ashlyn has already seen Santa 4 times. She is asking lots of questions this year! She has noticed that Santa looks different at different places. She also can't understand how Santa will get into our house without a chimney. I told her the fireplace would work.
     We even have a special guest in our house this year, Bob the elf on the shelf. Ashlyn and Daddy named him, how original right? Bob is a special elf that is very magical. All day Bob watches Ashlyn to see if she has been good and at night while she is sleeping he flies to the North Pole and reports back to Santa. When Ashlyn wakes up he is always in a new location. Bob is not allowed to touched or he will lose his magic. Bob's first location was under Ashlyn's Christmas tree in her room. Ashlyn kept touching all around Bob, and could barely stand not touching him .
    Bob has gotten smarter and always hides a little  higher now! Bob brought with him a book about himself and a friend that Ashlyn could touch, since she can't touch him! Ashlyn had lots of questions about Bob too, such as how come Bob doesn't blink if he is real? That child is smarter than she needs to be! We are on day 5 of Bob, hopefully he remembers to keep changing spots everyday!

    On Saturday while Ashlyn was with Mamaw Kris I was able to wrap Christmas Presents! Ashlyn already has 20 presents under the tree and she can hardly stand it! The presents had been under the tree for about 30 minutes when Ashlyn came to me and said Mommy one of my presents has a big hole in it, and I see Hannah Montana. She says it was an accident and her hand just went right through it. Ashlyn is no longer allowed near the presents!  We decided to do the 12 days of Christmas this year and let her open a present daily instead of all at once. Last year she got tired of opening presents, but I think she has more interest and stamina this year! I am going to the end the post with three more pics of the Justin Bieber concert I was able to get!

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